Mission in Latino Context
Open only to CDSP students–a course offered in Texas by Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest (SSW). Students will spend up to three weeks observing,
participating in, and considering the church in mission along the Texas/Mexico border and in various Spanish-speaking contexts throughout Texas. Experiential learning occurs with trips to the Texas/Mexico border and in Hispanic and Latino/a congregations throughout Texas. Students learn about the history, culture and contemporary realities of Hispanics and Latino/a congregations to gain skills in intercultural dialogue and ministry that they can transpose to other cultural
settings. CDSP students must both 1)register for this course through CDSP, for Audit (this course will count as an Intersession course and fulfill
the MDiv Multicultural requirement); and 2)register with SSW for their course, M 1310 Mission in a Latino/a Context. Tuition ($1664) is
paid to SSW.