Academic Disputes
The Graduate Theological Union and all the member schools are committed to ensuring that students have appropriate recourse in the event that they have a complaint about some aspect of their experience while taking courses at a school other than their own.More...
Alcohol, Drugs, and Smoking
The Graduate Theological Union and its member schools require that their campuses be drug free. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance while at CDSP is prohibited.More...
Community Concerns Reporting Tool
Church Divinity School of the Pacific is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception.More...
Equal Opportunity Employment/Non-Discrimination Policy
CDSP is committed to the principles upon which equal opportunity employment laws are based.More...
Gender-Inclusive Language
The policy at CDSP is that gender-inclusive language, i.e., language that strives to include both sexes equally, should be regarded as standard in public discourse, and that gender-exclusive language should be avoided as much as possible.More...
CDSP does not discriminate against faculty, students, or staff with AIDS, ARC, or a positive HIV antibody test.More...
Missing Students
The purpose of this policy is to provide the procedures for reporting, investigating and making emergency notifications regarding any resident student of Church Divinity School of the Pacific who is believed to be missing.More...
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
CDSP depends on the honesty and integrity of community members in order to function.More...
School Records and Privacy (FERPA)
A student has the right of access to those records that pertain to his or her work during seminary, as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This does not include those materials gathered as part of the admissions process. The CDSP FERPA policy follows.More...
Sexual Assault and Rape (Title IX)
CDSP will not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form, including acquaintance or date rape.More...
Sexual Harassment (Title IX)
Church Divinity School of the Pacific is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty and administrative and academic staff can work together in an atmosphere free of all forms of harassment, exploitation or intimidation, including sexual.More...
Students with Disabilities
In cooperation with the GTU schools, CDSP is committed to providing support for students who need special arrangements for meeting course requirements for reasons of documented disability.More...