
Students sitting around a conference table

Certificate of Anglican Studies (CAS)

Please note: CDSP’s Anglican Studies program is on a two-year hiatus to accommodate the launch of the new MDiv curriculum. More information about the revised Anglican Studies program will be available soon.

The Certificate of Anglican Studies is designed for a variety of students who wish to participate in the academic, spiritual, and communal life of CDSP without earning a degree. For instance, it is suitable for those who already possess the M.Div. or the equivalent from another seminary and who wish to pursue special study of the Anglican tradition. It might also be appropriate for persons seeking ordination under special canonical provisions of the Episcopal Church. The Hybrid CAS is a low-residence program that utilizes online courses during the semesters along with on-site intensives.

The requirements for admission to the Certificate program are the same as those for admission to the M.Div. program. Applicants seeking ordination will be expected to secure the recommendation of their Bishop.


  • Students will articulate a coherent theological understanding of God’s mission, grounded in Scripture and in Christian heritage, particularly in its Anglican distinctiveness.
  • Students will demonstrate skill in contextual analysis that informs and deepens the church’s commitment to the common good, particularly in Anglican ministry settings.
  • Students will demonstrate ability to work with peers and others to develop and lead Anglican worship that gathers, forms, and transforms the Christian community for the sake of individual and corporate participation in God’s mission.
  • Students will exhibit knowledge of a variety of spiritual practices that foster lively faith and healthy leadership that can build up the Christian faith and ministry of individuals and communities in an Anglican context.
  • Students will show the capacity to engage with sources and resources in the Anglican tradition and beyond, in order to formulate their own critically reflective theologies of the place of evangelism in God’s mission, in relation both to those who are willing to receive the Gospel and those who are not.