GTU Affiliation
Doctoral Students
Purpose: Students admitted to the Ph.D. program offered by the GTU may be affiliated with CDSP. This affiliation is in keeping with CDSP’s objective to encourage and nurture graduate studies in theology. It recognizes that this nurture includes the provision of graduate faculty members, participation in a common library, and a community whose environment and spirit will enable and enhance graduate studies. Thus our policy aims to provide a congenial setting for graduate faculty and students to work, pray, and talk together in the ongoing life of the CDSP community.
Participants: GTU Ph.D. students may indicate their wish to affiliate with CDSP by writing a letter to the Dean of Academic Affairs stating the reason for requesting the affiliation and attaching a current CV. This constitutes application for affiliation. The Academic Dean and faculty will decide and extend an invitation if appropriate. Reasons acceptable to the faculty may include being an Episcopalian, a member of another church of the Anglican Communion, or a member of any religious community who desires to share in the worship and community life here, or being a student whose principal advisor is a CDSP faculty member.
The faculty may terminate affiliation when in its judgment continuation is not in the best interest of the community or the student. The student may terminate affiliation by written notice addressed to the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Responsibilities and Privileges: Affiliated students are considered members of the CDSP community, as well as of the GTU. Each student, upon entering affiliate status, should arrange to meet with the Director of Student Services and the Director of Chapel to be informed of opportunities for community life and worship in the school. The school encourages the voluntary participation of affiliated students, according to the ability and need of each, in seminary worship and its leadership. Affiliated students may join the seminary community for Tuesday lunch and Thursday dinner, and they will have access, in accordance with published priorities, to parking and housing. Students are encouraged to seek out faculty members in their area of study and become acquainted with them. Affiliated students are eligible for membership on student/faculty committees, and may, like other CDSP students, use Denniston Commons and outdoor facilities provided for individual study and extra-curricular activities. Affiliated students may seek whatever student employment is available, and they are especially encouraged to seek teaching assistantships. They can be invited, upon recommendation of the faculty and vote of the trustees of the school, to receive their degrees from the GTU at CDSP’s annual commencement, and they will thereafter be treated as regular alumni, with all the pertaining rights and privileges.