

(E)pistle: A Different Kind of Easter Egg

What would Easter be without Easter eggs?  That’s a question many children and adults alike might ask. Although the connection between poultry and the Feast of the Resurrection might be vague*, […]

John Dwyer headshot

(E)pistle: Practical Ministry

“A church budget is a moral document.”  Those were the opening words from the Rev. John Dwyer, CDSP’s vice president and COO—and the speaker at our first Spring Forum.  These workshops, […]

(E)pistle: Raising Arizona

Here is one for the books.  For the first time in CDSP’s history that we know of, both the present bishop of a diocese and a past bishop of that […]

(E)pistle: Epiphany Chalk

This Sunday morning at the church I attended, we were introduced to the wonderful Epiphany custom of “chalking” the door. The clergy had thoughtfully created small packets of chalk and […]