
(E)pistle: An Early Merry Christmas!

The faculty and staff gathered at lunch on Monday in the Tucson Room for a bit of early Christmas cheer.

The holiday repast was followed by a first annual gift exchange. This white elephant party was playfully rebranded as the Mysterious Magi. I suspect that some of these presents will be treasured for years to come; others, not so much. And that’s all in the spirit of this gift-giving tradition. Many thanks to Dennis Hendricks and Melissa Posada for putting this exchange together, and to Alissa Fencsik for arranging the meal.

Students are finishing up a busy but productive term and looking forward to reunions with family and friends. The last day of class is Friday, but campus will soon be busy again with the arrival of our Hybrid Program students on January 8. 

All of us here want to take a moment to wish you and your families a restful and joyous holiday as we greet the Prince of Peace.

Merry Christmas!
