(E)pistle: Raising Arizona

Here is one for the books. For the first time in CDSP’s history that we know of, both the present bishop of a diocese and a past bishop of that diocese were at the chapel altar together. Last night it was myself and my successor, the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Reddall of the Diocese of Arizona. Bishop Reddall was here to learn more about the seminary and speak with faculty and students. She preached a moving sermon at Thursday night’s Community Eucharist service, at which I presided.
As Interim Dean, I have made a point of inviting bishops, especially those from Province VIII of the Episcopal Church, to spend time with us on campus. By the end of the academic year, we will have had eight Episcopal visits, including from Presiding Bishop Curry!
In a way, the bishops of the Episcopal Church are our “customers,” since they send ordination-track students our way and ultimately approve those students’ seminary plans. This is why it is so important for bishops to understand the school and learn about the unique programs we offer. Bishops are always welcome, and especially from our neighboring dioceses here in the American West!