Wilson to Advise Seminarians of Color Union

Several years ago, a group of students began discussions with the Rev. Andrew Hybl ’12, dean of students, to form a group for Students of Color.
Over the last few years that group has grown, adapted, and developed a charter. From those efforts the Seminarians of Color Union (SOCU) was officially formed.
Last year CDSP announced that the Rev. Dr. Kwasi Thornell would serve as spiritual advisor to SOCU during the 2019-2020 school year. Thornell and his wife relocated to Florida in the spring of 2020, and the CDSP community remains grateful for his work, passion, and dedication to students.
This academic year, the Rev. Dr. Mauricio J. Wilson will serve as SOCU spiritual advisor. Wilson is the rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Oakland, CA. He is also a longtime friend of CDSP, former member of the board of trustees, and regular contributor to our worship life.
In the coming days, Wilson will be contacting Students of Color about arranging an opportunity to connect.
Welcome (back), Fr. Mauricio, and thank you for your ministry!