
Hatcher Named Director Diocesan Relations and Recruitment

Spencer Hatcher
Rev. Spencer Hatcher

To the CDSP community,

I am pleased to share with you the news that the Rev. Spencer Hatcher ’16 has accepted the position of director of diocesan relations and recruitment at CDSP. In her new position, which she will begin on September 1, Spencer will work with Dean of Students Andrew Hybl to build strong relationships with dioceses around the church, recruit students for all of our degree and certificate programs and expand CDSP’s network across the wider church.

Spencer currently serves as both priest-in-charge at Grace Church in Brunswick, Maryland, and as director of summer programs at the Claggett Center in the Diocese of Maryland. She was previously associate rector and director of formation at Epiphany Episcopal Church in Baltimore, Maryland. All of us who knew Spencer when she was an MDiv student here on campus are delighted that she will soon return. Her creativity and enthusiasm for ministry are contagious, and as one leader in Maryland wrote when announcing her departure, “Spencer has radiated compassion, inclusion, grace, wisdom, and joy.” I look forward to providing opportunities for you to get to know her when she arrives on campus in the fall.

Spencer’s arrival on campus will make possible a second piece of good news: Jamie Nelson MTS ‘15, who has served as admissions manager for the past year, has agreed to accept the position of executive assistant to the president and vice president. In his new role, Jamie will provide support to President Richardson, COO John Dwyer, and the Board of Trustees and manage special events hosted by the president’s office. Jamie joined CDSP in 2015, and we continue to be grateful for his keen organizational skills, efficiency, and warm collegiality.

I hope that you are all enjoying a peaceful and productive summer, and I look forward to welcoming you back in September as we begin another academic year.


The Very Rev. W. Mark Richardson, Ph.D., President and Dean