
California Regional Gatherings for Alums and Friends

This spring, CDSP will convene several gatherings of alums and friends across California. At these gatherings, you’ll have a chance to meet other CDSP alums, hear more about what’s happening on campus, and learn from Dean Richardson and other Episcopal Church leaders more about how CDSP is preparing students to lead Christ-centered communities in our changing world. To learn more and make plans to join us, please talk with the Rev. Laurel Johnston, director of alumni affairs & major gift officer via email or at 510-204-0740.

Sacramento,  March 5:  The Very Rev. Mark Richardson & the Rt. Rev. Barry Beisner, bishop, Diocese of Northern California and CDSP trustee

Los Angeles, March 19:  The Very Rev. Mark Richardson & the Rev. Ed Bacon, Rector, All Saints Pasadena

Santa Barbara, March 20:  The Very Rev. Mark Richardson

San Jose, April 30: The Very Rev. Mark Richardson & the Rt. Rev. Mary Gray-Reeves, bishop, Diocese of El Camino Real and CDSP trustee