The Rev. John L. Kater, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Ministry Development
B.A., Columbia College
M.Div., The General Theological Seminary
Ph.D., McGill University
A native of Virginia, he served as assistant minister and later as rector at Christ Episcopal Church, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and also taught for ten years as a visiting professor at Vassar College. From 1984 to 1990 he served as education officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Panama and priest-in-charge of Iglesia San Francisco de Asís in Panama City. He joined the faculty of CDSP in 1990. Since “official” retirement in 2007, he teaches at Ming Hua Theological College in Hong Kong in the spring term and at CDSP during the June low-residency term.
Courses Taught
- Ministry in the Anglican Tradition
- New Voices in Anglicanism
In Class
Lots of lecturing, lots of small- and large-group discussions
Selected Publications
- Following Jesus (Hong Kong: HKSKH, 2018)
- “Through A Glass Darkly: The Episcopal Church’s Responses to the Mexican Iglesia De Jesús 1864-1904,” Anglican and Episcopal History, Vol. 35 (June 2016)
- “Spiritual Formation for Ministry in the Context of the Anglican Church of Hong Kong,” Reflective Practice, 2014 • “Latin American Anglicanism in the Twentieth Century,” Oxford History of Anglicanism, forthcoming (2018)
- “The Religious Sources of American Imperialism,” Madang,Journal of Contextual Theology in East Asia, Vol. 9 (October 2009)
- “Anglicanism Past and Future: Myths, Dreams and Realities,” Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 90, No. 1 (Winter 2008)
- Jesus My Mentor: A Spirituality for Living, (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2004)
Recent Presentations
- “Forgotten Books of the Bible,” Anglican Church of Hong Kong,2017
- “The Ministry of the Laity,” Clergy of the Diocese of West Kowloon, Hong Kong, 2017
- “Thy Kingdom Come,” Youth Camp, Anglican Church of Hong Kong, 2017
- “The Church in the City” (three presentations), Clergy of the Anglican Church of Hong Kong, 2016
- “What Makes a Liturgy ‘Anglican’?” International Conference of East Asian Anglicans, Seoul Korea and Hong Kong, China, November 2016
- “Who Is Jesus?” Youth Camp, Anglican Church of Hong Kong, 2016
- “Praying in the Anglican Way,” Anglican Church of Hong Kong, 2016
- “Stirrings: Emerging Women’s Ministries in the Church of England and the Episcopal Church and Their Impact on the Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui,” Conference on Christian Women and Chinese Society – The Anglican Story,” Chinese University, 2015