Advent Appeal
Dear CDSP Community,
Advent is a season with the power to transform our ministries. This time of expectation is always revealing and unsettling. We grapple with hoped for and yet unexpected change that transforms us and the world. The prophetic readings, the stark and urgent prayers, and even the changing weather draw us into deep reflection on what might have been in the year that is past, and what could be in the year to come.
Over the years of my service as a bishop of the Episcopal Church, I have witnessed our institutions grow and change, usually slowly. Certainly, the pandemic forced faith communities to take decisive steps to embrace the new. But in many ways our most important priorities have been clearer than usual during this time: stay connected to community, protect people who are especially vulnerable, find ways amid intense social disruption to proclaim the Reign of God in our local communities.
This Advent feels different. As our communities normalize new ways of living, we have some latitude to ask new questions, to hear new calls to serve, to dream big. And that’s true at CDSP as well.
Do we all have the courage to respond?
I invite every member of the CDSP community to embrace with faith the uncertainty of this season. Trust in the promise of Emmanuel, God With Us. Savor the joy that springs forth as we await Christ’s appearing. We at CDSP take courage for this work from each conversation we have with people like you. We’re grateful for the many ways you make known God’s love to those who need healing and hope.
Please make your gift to CDSP from this place of joyful anticipation. We know the Holy Spirit yearns to transform the face of the earth. May God find us ever faithful co-creators.
Yours in Advent hope,
The Rt. Rev. Kirk S. Smith, PhD
Interim President & Dean
P.S. Learn more about how to designate your gift at