Good Grief: Acknowledging the pain of rightly ordered love
Among the many blessings of this school year has been my growing awareness that I am surrounded by a sea of grief. In the midst of all the exciting future-oriented […]
Among the many blessings of this school year has been my growing awareness that I am surrounded by a sea of grief. In the midst of all the exciting future-oriented […]
On Tuesday, July 9, Church Divinity School of the Pacific announced the appointment of the Rev. Deborah Jackson, DMin, to the new position of associate dean of formation and recruitment. […]
The Center for Anglican Learning and Leadership (CALL) at Church Divinity School of the Pacific has long offered affordable online learning opportunities throughout the year. Now, these courses will be […]
Thursday, May 9, was the last regular evening Community Eucharist of the semester. The occasion took on added significance in light of the transitional period currently underway in the structure of CDSP’s […]
On Saturday, May 18, Church Divinity School of the Pacific held its 129th Annual Commencement Exercises in St. Margaret’s Courtyard on campus. Dr. Stephen Fowl, president and dean, presided at […]
Join us May 2 at 6 PM Pacific, on campus or online, for an open conversation about Dr. Jennifer Snow’s new book! Mission, Race, and Empire: The Episcopal Church in Global Context recasts the history of TEC […]