
Final Spring Community Eucharist Recognizes Closing of Residential Program

Processional eucharist station at Koi Pond

Thursday, May 9, was the last regular evening Community Eucharist of the semester. The occasion took on added significance in light of the transitional period currently underway in the structure of CDSP’s academic programs.

“In truth, this is the final Thursday evening eucharist for the CDSP campus as we know it, and as it has been known for many generations,” wrote the Rev. Stephen Hassett (DMin ’16, MDiv ’06) in a preview to the campus community.

Community gathers for eucharistic prayer around altar placed before Gibbs Society recognition wall

“We will mark this occasion with a special processional eucharist that begins at the fishpond and makes its way by stages through the classrooms and gathering spaces, concluding with the celebration of Holy Communion in the Denniston refectory. This celebration of the Feast of the Ascension will include special prayers and blessings for each location.”

The Rev. Cameron Partridge, ThD, offered a homily that wove together the biblical and pastoral themes of the evening.

“I especially love that we gather on the fortieth day of Eastertide, celebrating the Feast of the Ascension,” he said.

“Our worship this evening and the shape of the Ascension itself brings us into what I think of as a sacred circuit. We make our way together to intentionally observe a holy departure, the completion of a journey, and to receive the gift of new vision an expanded heart for the road ahead.”

Although the chapel will continue to be used by CDSP for as long as the campus is available to the community (new possibilities for sales or rentals are currently being explored), the closing of the residential program marks the end of a familiar and sacred rhythm. The service was one of several anticipated occasions for members of the CDSP community to process grief and celebrate memories associated with these changes.

In addition to helping oversee preparations for the service, Hassett shared these and other photos of the occasion.