(E)pistle: Once Again, Welcome
The Episcopal Seminary Welcomes You!

Some years ago, a friend sent me a picture of one of those ubiquitous red and blue metal signs which read, “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.” The sign was mounted to a telephone pole right down the street from a local church.
Lower down the pole to which it was attached there was another sign, “Beware of the Dog!”
For the past many months of COVID, the school has needed to close the campus to visitors, not because we were unwelcoming, but for the safety of the students and staff. In consultation with our medical advisors, we now are at the point where we can “go public” once again and take down those discouraging signs. We will still need to be responsible, of course. The new signs will ask visitors to continue to mask up in indoor spaces– such as the chapel, and we will need to continue to monitor any security issues a more open campus may raise. It is also a joy to again be able to post the times of worship services in the announcement board by the chapel door in plain sight of all who pass by on Le Conte Street.
We are a house of prayer for all people!
We have kept the promise of the COVID signs to “once again welcome you to this place.” What a relief it will be not to have to post a beware of the dog warning at our door!