Annual Gibbs Society Gathering Hosts Past Board Chairs for Richardson Farewell
More than twenty participants logged in on May 10 for the annual gathering of the George and Augusta Gibbs Society, and for the opportunity to bid a fond farewell to the Very Rev. W. Mark Richardson, CDSP’s retiring dean and president.
The meeting began with informal introductions of participants joining the Zoom session from as far away as New England and Long Island. The Rev. Richard Schaper, the seminary’s gift planning advisor and convener of the meeting, noted that once again the online format allowed for much wider participation than was typically the case before the pandemic occasioned the change of venue.
After a brief worship service, during which the group prayed for Gibbs Society members who have died since last year’s gathering (see below), the bulk of the program focused on reflections from past board chairs who served CDSP during Dean Richardson’s tenure.
Speakers included the Rev. Dr. Eliza Linley ’90 (DD ’15), Dr. Carol Anne Brown (DHL ’05)—whose written contribution was read by the Rev. Dr. Fran Toy ’84—the Rev. Richard N. Morrison, and the Rev. Dr. Paul Donald White, Jr. ’91.
Linley, who was chair at the time when CDSP called Dean Richardson, captured a theme that would emerge repeatedly.
“It has been CDSP’s charism not to give up until the next blessing comes along,” she said. Other speakers and attendees also noted the remarkable transitions the seminary has been through in the past decade and gave thanks for the community’s collaborative ethos and the Spirit’s gracious leading and provision.
Also speaking was Dr. Brenda Richardson, Dean Richardson’s spouse and a regular contributor to life at CDSP.
Dean Richardson responded to each of the presentations and shared his gratitude for the leadership of each past board chair; for the generosity of the Gibbs Society, which honors those who have remembered CDSP in their will, estate plan, or other planned gift; and for the CDSP community at large.
More information about joining the Gibbs Society is available on our Planned Giving page.
Please join the Gibbs Society community in a word of prayer for members recently departed:
- Barbara S. Borsch (died March 9, 2022)
- Rosi Edwards (died October 14, 2021)
- Joan Butler Ford (died December 26, 2021)
- Elizabeth H. Purdy (died February 25, 2021)
- Ardeen Russell Quinn (died March 21, 2022)
- David W. Richardson (died February 6, 2022)
- Charles W. Sacquety (died April 4, 2021)
- Louis Weil (died March 9, 2022)