Biblical and Theological Reflections on the Economy
Part of CDSP’s community organizing course this January, “Biblical and Theological Reflections on the Economy” is a seminar open to the entire CDSP community.
The event will be held 10 am – 12 pm on Thursday, January 21, 2020. A meeting link will be provided upon registration.
The session will include the following speakers:
Ernesto Cortés Jr. is the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) co-director and executive director of the West / Southwest IAF regional network.
The IAF provides leadership training and civics education to poor and moderate-income people across the US and UK. Cortés has been instrumental in the building of over 30 grassroots organizations known for developing and training community leaders.

Dr. Tamara Cohn Eskenazi serves as The Effie Wise Ochs Professor of Biblical Literature and History at HUC-JIR’s Skirball Campus in Los Angeles. She was the first woman appointed as professor to the Rabbinical Faculty of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Dr. Eskenazi has been on the Editorial Board of the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series and of Semeia: An Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism. In addition, she has lectured widely in the United States, Europe and Israel. Dr. Eskenazi joined HUC-JIR faculty in 1990.
Before coming to Los Angeles, she had been on the faculty of the University of Denver and was also Director of its Institute of Interfaith Studies. In Denver Dr. Eskenazi co-founded the Jewish Women Resource Center.
Luke Bretherton is Robert E. Cushman Professor of Moral and Political Theology and senior fellow of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. Before joining the Duke faculty, he was reader in Theology & Politics and convener of the Faith & Public Policy Forum at King’s College London.
He has worked with a variety of faith-based NGOs, mission agencies, and churches around the world, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. His primary areas of research, supervision and teaching are Christian ethics/moral theology, the intellectual and social history of Christian political thought, political theology, the relationship between Christianity and capitalism, missiology, and practices of social, political and economic witness.