Our Community’s Reopening Plan – Updated 7/21/20
Dear CDSP Community,
You may have seen very recent news reports from Alameda County and Governor Newsom about reopening schools and places of worship. Based on new data, current government orders and advice of health experts, at this time we plan to begin fall semester remotely, with all courses and worship occurring online. We welcome all enrolled students to Berkeley to reside on campus in CDSP’s housing. If and when conditions change, we will adapt quickly to those changes with respect to community life. The above message does not bring about change in the Code of Conduct which was sent earlier this month. All of the aspects of the Code will be in effect for the sake of our life together.
CDSP’s Board of Trustees voted in late June for the school to reopen in a hybrid format this fall based on conditions at that time and with the advice and support of health experts. This adaptation to our planned reopening is in response to increasing rates of infection in Alameda County and around the state, and it is entirely consistent with the expectation of the Board of Trustees that we would adapt to conditions as needed.
We will continue to monitor conditions and reassess as we get closer to the opening of fall semester. Again, future decisions will be based on state and local guidance and the advice of health experts. We know this is not easy. We thank you for your own adaptations with us.
Faithfully yours,

The Very Rev. W. Mark Richardson, Ph.D., President and Dean