CDSP Announces Decisions About Adapting Commencement, June Intensive
On March 25, we notified our friends and supporters of decisions we shared with students, faculty, and staff the previous day regarding two major adaptations of our academic calendar. Both are in response to the continuing societal disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commencement Activities
We have decided the only responsible thing to do is to cancel in-person commencement activities this year. The GTU has announced a similar decision.
We will invite the Class of 2020 to return to campus in May 2021 to participate in a joint ceremony for both classes. Of course, this year’s graduates will receive diplomas in the mail and will be subject to all the professional rights and privileges associated with their degree programs.
We are working on plans to celebrate our graduates online when their coursework is complete.
June Intensive
The June Intensive for our low-residence students will take place as scheduled (June 15-26), but courses will be offered via remote learning formats.
We have robust applications for the incoming class and look forward to welcoming our new low-residence students despite these unusual circumstances.
Faculty who are teaching in the June Intensive have chosen the formats for their courses in light of this decision. Each instructor has discretion to determine the details of how they will offer their course using Moodle, Zoom, and other online tools.
We have begun planning twice-daily online worship opportunities during the two-week Intensive, as well as a required online formation course that will take place during the Pre- and Post-Intensive periods.
We know many of our friends and supporters have been anxiously awaiting these decisions on behalf of our students. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for them and for the entire CDSP Community. Please be assured of ours for you as well.