Organizing for Public Ministry
January 20 – 25, 2019
Taught by a team of experienced Industrial Areas Foundation community organizers, this class will cover conceptual studies and practical skillbuilding in how to engage the public mission of the church in the world.
Learn practices for living as Church in the World, with special attention on:
- Mission,
- Sustainable leadership,
- Strategic thinking and acting,
- Forming collaborative relationships for missional action.
Taught using presentations, discussions, role-play, readings, and class participation.
Open to GTU students for academic credit (contact the CDSP Registrar to enroll) and to clergy and laity for continuing education credits.
Anna Eng is Lead Organizer for the Bay Area IAF Communities
Anna and the other organizer instructors provide leadership training to clergy and lay leaders from all faith traditions and help them to build strong, sustainable organizations capable of educating and engaging members around their own missions and around issues affecting their families and communities.
Course Fee: $500 (for CEU credits)
Registration fee includes lunch Monday – Friday and dinners Sunday and Thursday.