
Climate Justice Course Offered in January

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda

Thanks to a Stewardship of Creation grant from the Episcopal Church, CDSP is offering an intensive course titled “Climate Justice: Theology & Action in Relationship,” from January 8-19 on campus in Berkeley. The course is open to the public, and registration is open online.

Professor Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, CDSP’s professor of theological and social ethics and an internationally known climate justice theologian, will teach the seminar. Students will both study Christian ethical approaches to climate justice and interact with local climate justice activists as they examine the structural injustices of the climate crisis and pathways for addressing them. The course will include speakers, site visits, and panel discussions with a number of climate justice leaders in the Bay Area.

“Students who participate in this class will get a first-hand understanding of the theological and ethical implications of climate change and learn to cross boundaries to do public theology and take concrete action,” said Snow, who wrote the grant proposal and who will assist in the course. “We have enjoyed a rich collaboration between scholars and activists as we have developed the course, and we are excited to share the fruits of that partnership with students from CDSP, the GTU, and the community.”

“Climate Justice: Theology & Action in Relationship” is available as a continuing education course (4 CEUs) and as a master’s level and PhD level course. To learn more, visit CDSP’s website or email Jennifer Snow.