Morgan and Clader Retire from CDSP
Former dean and president, dean of academic affairs finish long tenures
June 18, 2013, Berkeley, Calif.—Dr. Donn F. Morgan and the Rev. Dr. Linda L. Clader are retiring from Church Divinity School of the Pacific on June 30, the Very Rev. W. Mark Richardson, CDSP dean and president, announced today.
Within the CDSP community and beyond, both Morgan and Clader are widely respected as inspiring, engaging and provocative teachers, as well as effective administrators.
“In both Linda Clader and Donn Morgan, what comes across so clearly through their gifts of teaching and administration alike is their love for CDSP, and their sense of its unique ministry in the world of theological education,” said Richardson. “They have given their wonderful gifts and talents to the school, as excellent preachers in the chapel, as caring and thoughtful advisors, as classroom teachers, outside lecturers, and contributors in print to their fields, all with a sustained love for theological education in the Episcopal Church and more especially for CDSP. We will truly miss them.”
“Donn and Linda have been wise and faithful teachers and administrators, with a deep commitment to theological education,” said the Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers, CDSP’s dean of academic affairs. “I am grateful for their service to CDSP and their visionary leadership.”
Dr. Donn F. Morgan
Morgan has taught Old Testament at CDSP since 1972 and served as president and dean from 1995–2010. He also taught biblical studies, Christian education, homiletics and other multidisciplinary courses and topics. His tenure at CDSP reflected his belief “that theological education is critically important for the church to do mission and ministry effectively and well.”
Morgan holds an A.B. from Oberlin College, a B.D from Yale Divinity School, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate School. In addition to serving 15 years as CDSP dean and president, he served as acting dean and president from 1987–88, 1989–90, and 1994–95.
“I want to thank students, faculty, staff, trustees, and friends of CDSP for allowing me to live out my vocation to teach and learn,” said Morgan. “There has been much change at CDSP over the past forty-one years, but the school’s commitment to be a center of theological education for the whole church has been constant. I am honored to have been a part of this.”
The Rev. Dr. Linda L. Clader
Clader has taught homiletics at CDSP since 1991 and served as dean of academic affairs for 10 years. As dean, she successfully managed two accreditation reviews and grew institutional and academic connections with the Graduate Theological Union and its member schools and centers.
She is a Chicago-area native who studied classical languages at Carleton College and Harvard University, where she earned a Ph.D. in Classical Philology. After teaching classical languages at Carleton for 18 years, she received her M.Div. from CDSP in 1988 and was ordained priest in 1989 in the Diocese of Minnesota.
“It has been a wild ride, at times, but the Holy Spirit has been active in my life here, and has invited me to trust that the things I do best can be offered in the service of the reign of God,” said Clader. “I am looking forward to seeing how that translates into a life without grades and meetings!”
Located in Berkeley, California, Church Divinity School of the Pacific is a seminary of the Episcopal Church and founding member of the Graduate Theological Union. Founded in 1893, CDSP offers post-graduate courses and graduate degree programs for students pursuing a variety of lay and ordained careers and is committed to academic excellence in an active worshiping community. For more information, visit