
Anglican Leadership

Women as senior leaders in the Church are unusual, rare; we celebrate our appointments to senior roles as momentous. It seems almost heretical to suggest that the real reason we celebrate is because we are still amazed at our ability to surmount the weight of institutionally embedded patriarchal oppression (which is and always has been the structural injustice preventing women’s progress)’ Dr Jenny Te Paa Daniel (2013). This course will encourage participants to undertake a critical exploration of the obstacles and opportunities for Anglican women in church leadership locally and globally. Using a case study approach, it will require serious interrogation of both the quantitative assertions (so readily advanced as evidence of ‘progress’ being made) and analysis of the qualitative reality provided by women leaders themselves. Seminar-­‐style with lectures, discussions and independent research expected. Evaluation will be based upon attendance and generous participation in discussions. There will be an opportunity to present preliminary findings for the final written paper. Intended for MDiv and MA/MTS students.